Sale- some realms(We have all the realms in US server with the World of warcraft)

2 Hellscream US - A
3 Windrunner US - A
4 Hydraxis US - A5 Hydraxis US - H
6 kirin Tor US - A
7 Dunemaul US - A
8 firetree US - A
9 Misha US - A
10 Thrall US - A
11 Norgannon US - A
12 Norgannon US - H
13 Chromaggus US - A
14 Hyjal US - H
15 Warsong US - A
16 The Venture Co US - A
17 Scarlet Crusade US - H
18 Quel'dorei US - A
19 Quel'dorei US - H
1 . Andorhal US - Alliance
2. Tortheldrin - Horde
3. Uldum - Alliance
4. Drak'thul - Alliance
5. Antonidas US - Alliance
6. The Underbog US - Alliance
7. Auchindoun US - Horde
8. Spinebreaker - Alliance
9. Muradin - Allianc
10. Trollbane - Alliance
11. Destromath - Alliance
12 Uldaman - Alliance
13 Nazgrel - Alliance
14 Anvilmar-Alliance
15 Wildhammer - Alliance
16 Alleria - Alliance
17 Drenden - Alliance
18 Archimonde - Alliance
19 Stormscale - Horde
20 Wildhammer - Horde
21 Archimonde - Alliance
22 Bonechewer - Horde
On Sale -- World of Warcraft Gold (http://www.ggoldsky.com)

We are doing the sales promotion in many world of warcraft realms now.
We provide the cheapest price in these realms. The realm of Norgannon US-A 100g only $8.51..........
Would you like to have a look ?
For example:
Aegwynn US - A Andorhal - A Antonidas - A Anub'arak - A Auchindoun - H Archimonde - H Balnazzar - H Black Dragonflight - A Blackhand - H Bladefist - A Blackrock - A Blackrock - H Bloodscalp - A Burning Blade - A Burning Legion - A Chromaggus - A Dalvengyr - A Darrowmere - A Darkspear - H Dark Iron - H Dethecus - A DestromathIF you are interest in it. You can contact us( MSN:ggoldsky@hotmail.com)
Our website is www.ggoldsky.com
BlizzCon 2007 Announced!
A year and a half ago, Blizzard hosted the first "BlizzCon," a convention celebrating the Warcraft, StarCraft, and Diablo game universes and the amazing community of players who contribute to their continued popularity. Today, Blizzard announced that BlizzCon will once again open its doors on August 3, 2007. Highlights for this year's BlizzCon will include:
Discussion panels with Blizzard game developers;
Competitive and casual tournaments, including a World of Warcraft TCG tournament;
Costume, machinima, and character sound-alike contests with great prizes;
Live orchestral performances of music from Blizzard games;
And many more exciting activities to be announced soon at www.blizzcon.com! Check out this press release and the BlizzCon FAQ now to learn more about the when, where, and what of BlizzCon 2007!
Expansion Strat Guide and Onyxia Raid Decks Available

New Races: Complete coverage of the blood elves and draenei. From their strengths to their starting zones, nothing is left in the dark.
New Weapons: Discover the awesome battery of weapons and armor at your disposal, with detailed lists of the Superior, Epic, and Legendary items found in the darkest reaches of this new world.
Hellfire Explored: Take a guided tour through the first Outland World Dungeon -- Hellfire Citadel. Know what quests lead there, what bosses reside there, and what treasures you will find there.
Outland Revealed: Every zone is laid open before you. We take you through it all in quest-based, easy-to-use modules.
New PvP System: Learn what to expect from the new world PvP and Arena systems. Understand the unique goals and rewards of each new PvP zone.
Complete Crafting Coverage: Every recipe for every crafting profession. From 1 to 375, it's all covered.
New Comics: Exclusive new World of Warcraft comics from Penny Arcade. As an update to the official strategy guide for The Burning Crusade, Brady has published a downloadable addition including a map and detailed legend for Shadowmoon Valley! Use this new map to find smiths, merchants, enemies, items, and more. You can download this addition today from BradyGames.com. (71 MB .pdf) The Onyxia's Lair Raid Deck comes with everything you need to play the iconic dragon against your friends and incinerate them into oblivion. In addition to a full Onyxia monster deck, each Raid Deck comes with Whelp tokens, oversize Onyxia hero cards, and a treasure pack with foil cards exclusive to this raid—not to mention a higher frequency of Loot cards.